Alarm clock, Electronic, Buzz.wav |
00:15 |
Ambience, After rain on tree and house, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, After rain, Distant traffic, Wind, Birds, Sweden.wav |
06:00 |
Ambience, Birds, Distant traffic, Sweden.wav |
02:00 |
Ambience, Birds, Morning, Sweden.wav |
02:20 |
Ambience, Calm birds, Distant traffic, Sweden.wav |
02:00 |
Ambience, Country, Close to distant tractor, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:16 |
Ambience, Country, Cows, Crickets, Wind, Sweden.wav |
01:10 |
Ambience, Country, Crickets at night, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Country, Crickets, Birds, Night, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Country, Crickets, Evening, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Country, Distant dogs, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Country, Grass cutting tractor, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:20 |
Ambience, Country, Tractor, Crickets, Birds, Sweden.wav |
01:20 |
Ambience, Crickets, Very distant construction, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Distant traffic, Wind, Birds, Owl, Sweden.wav |
02:00 |
Ambience, Distant traffic, Wind, Distant birds, Sweden.wav |
04:00 |
Ambience, Distant traffic, Wind, Distant birds.wav |
02:40 |
Ambience, Indoor rain, Crickets outside, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Rain on grass and house, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Rain on grass and house.wav |
02:00 |
Ambience, Traffic, Distant birds, Crickets, Sweden.wav |
01:00 |
Ambience, Wind, Distant traffic, Birds, Sweden.wav |
03:20 |
Ballpoint pen, Close cap.wav |
00:01 |
Ballpoint pen, Drop on wood table, Soft.wav |
00:00 |
Ballpoint pen, Open cap.wav |
00:00 |
Ballpoint pen, Write, Fast.wav |
00:09 |
Big case, Close.wav |
00:02 |
Big case, Open, Creeky.wav |
00:02 |
Big case, Open.wav |
00:02 |
Big case, Put down, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Big case, Put down, Medium fast.wav |
00:00 |
Cartoon sound, Pop, Small.wav |
00:00 |
Cartoon sound, Wobble, Balance.wav |
00:02 |
Cartoon sound, Wobble, Vibrate fast, High pitched.wav |
00:02 |
Cartoon sound, Wobble, Vibrate fast.wav |
00:02 |
Cartoon sound, Wobble, Vibrate.wav |
00:02 |
Case, Big lock, Open.wav |
00:01 |
Case, Carry, Handle movement.wav |
00:12 |
Case, Pick up, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Case, Pick up, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Case, Put down.wav |
00:00 |
Case, Travel bag with wheels, Put down, Creeky.wav |
00:02 |
Case, Two big locks, Unlock, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Case, Two big locks, Unlock, Slow.wav |
00:01 |
Case, Two small locks, Unlock, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Case, Two small locks, Unlock, Slow.wav |
00:01 |
Coin, Drop coins from box, Many.wav |
00:04 |
Coin, Drop coins in wood box.wav |
00:01 |
Coin, Drop coins on concrete, A few.wav |
00:02 |
Coin, Drop coins on other coins, A few.wav |
00:00 |
Coin, Drop coins on other coins, Many.wav |
00:01 |
Coin, Drop on concrete, Soft.wav |
00:01 |
Coin, Drop on concrete.wav |
00:02 |
Coin, Drop on wood, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Coin, Drop on wood, Medium hard.wav |
00:02 |
Coin, Drop on wood, Rolling.wav |
00:06 |
Coin, Drop on wood, Soft.wav |
00:02 |
Coin, Drop, One coin on other coins, Hard.wav |
00:00 |
Coin, Drop, One coin on other coins, Soft.wav |
00:01 |
Compact digital camera, Close lens cap.wav |
00:00 |
Compact digital camera, Focus, Shutter.wav |
00:04 |
Compact digital camera, Open lens cap.wav |
00:00 |
Compact digital camera, Turn off.wav |
00:03 |
Compact digital camera, Turn on.wav |
00:02 |
Compact digital camera, Zoom in.wav |
00:02 |
Compact digital camera, Zoom out.wav |
00:02 |
Computer sound, Menu, Finished chimes.wav |
00:04 |
Computer sound, Menu, Go backwards.wav |
00:01 |
Computer sound, Menu, Go forward.wav |
00:01 |
Computer sound, Menu, Load complete.wav |
00:04 |
Computer sound, Menu, Open menu.wav |
00:02 |
Computer sound, Menu, Success.wav |
00:03 |
Concrete plate, Drop on concrete.wav |
00:02 |
Concrete plate, Move on concrete, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Concrete plate, Move on concrete.wav |
00:10 |
Digital metronome, 4 beat, 120 bpm.wav |
01:00 |
Digital SLR camera, Auto shutter fast.wav |
00:03 |
Digital SLR camera, Auto shutter.wav |
00:02 |
Digital SLR camera, Shutter.wav |
00:00 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Dial on keypad, Medium fast.wav |
00:03 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Hang up, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Hang up, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Hang up, Medium.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Hang up.wav |
00:01 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Pick up, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Plastic, Pick up, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Dial on rotary, 0123456789.wav |
00:27 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Dial on rotary.wav |
00:12 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Hang up, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Hang up, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Pick up, Soft.wav |
00:04 |
Domestic telephone, Very old, Pick up.wav |
00:03 |
Door knocker, Metal on wood, Small.wav |
00:02 |
Door knocker, Metal on wood.wav |
00:02 |
Duct tape, Feed and tear.wav |
00:02 |
Electricity, Fluorescent light, Turn on, Buzz.wav |
00:08 |
Fan, Medium small, Run.wav |
00:42 |
Female baby, 2 months old, Cry, Soft.wav |
00:23 |
Female baby, 2 months old, Cry, Worried.wav |
00:28 |
Female baby, 2 months old, Cry.wav |
00:42 |
Female baby, 2 months old, Worried.wav |
00:20 |
Food, Peel banana, Medium fast.wav |
00:03 |
Food, Separate bananas, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Food, Slice banana with knife, Medium fast, Soft.wav |
00:06 |
Food, Slice lettuce with knife, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Food, Slice lettuce with knife, Slow.wav |
00:04 |
Food, Slice lettuce with knife, Small pieces.wav |
00:08 |
Food, Slice lettuce with knife.wav |
00:10 |
Food, Slice tomato with knife.wav |
00:02 |
Footstep, Wood, Indoor, Close, Medium.wav |
00:11 |
Footstep, Wood, Indoor, Medium.wav |
00:09 |
Footstep, Wood, Indoor, Slow.wav |
00:08 |
Footstep, Wood, Indoor, Stairs, Medium slow.wav |
00:12 |
Glass, Put down, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Glass, Put down, One side first.wav |
00:01 |
Glass, Put down, Soft, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Glass, Put down, Soft.wav |
00:01 |
Glitch, Cable, Hum 50 hz, Almost no connection.wav |
00:10 |
Glitch, Cable, Hum 50 hz, Bad connection.wav |
00:09 |
Glitch, Cable, Hum 50 hz, Very bad connection.wav |
00:25 |
Glitch, Cable, Hum 50 hz.wav |
00:04 |
Glitch, Computer machine, Error connecting.wav |
00:15 |
Glitch, Computer machine, Error.wav |
00:17 |
Glitch, Digital, Crackle, Error.wav |
00:30 |
Glitch, Electricity, Hum.wav |
00:08 |
Glitch, Hum, 50 hz.wav |
00:10 |
Human, Male, Cough.wav |
00:07 |
Human, Male, Spit.wav |
00:02 |
Impact, Metal plate, Soft hit.wav |
00:02 |
Kitchen knife, Pick up, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Kitchen knife, Put down, Blade first.wav |
00:01 |
Kitchen knife, Put down.wav |
00:00 |
Knife, Scoop lettuce.wav |
00:02 |
Large clock, Ticking.wav |
00:20 |
Machine, Feeding machine.wav |
00:18 |
Male voice, Boo yah.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Cartoon laugh, Evil.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Cartoon, Karate yell, Hit, Hiyaa.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Cartoon, Karate yell, Hwaa.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Cartoon, Karate yell, Hwaa-chaa, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Cartoon, Karate yell, Hwaa-chaa.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Cowboy, Yeehaa!.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Double kill.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, No, Long.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, No.wav |
00:03 |
Male voice, Oh my god.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Oh yeah.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Scream, Long.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Scream, Medium long, Burned.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Scream, Medium long.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Scream, Short, Burned.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Scream, Strangled, Medium long.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Scream, Strangled, Medium short.wav |
00:02 |
Male voice, Yeah.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yes, Aggressive.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yes, School boy winner.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yes, School boy.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yes.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yo-hoo.wav |
00:01 |
Male voice, Yooho.wav |
00:02 |
Marker pen, Close cap.wav |
00:01 |
Marker pen, Open cap.wav |
00:00 |
Marker pen, Write, Medium slow.wav |
00:20 |
Mechanical metronome, Fast.wav |
00:22 |
Mechanical metronome, Med.wav |
00:22 |
Mechanical metronome, Slow.wav |
00:22 |
Mechanical pencil, Extend.wav |
00:02 |
Mechanical pencil, Put down on wood.wav |
00:01 |
Metal drawer, Small, Close, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Metal drawer, Small, Close, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Metal drawer, Small, Open, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Metal drawer, Small, Open, Soft and fast.wav |
00:01 |
Metal wheel, Crank, Creeky, Medium slow.wav |
00:14 |
Metal wheel, Crank, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Metal wheel, Crank, Medium fast.wav |
00:24 |
Metal wheel, Crank, Squeaky, Medium fast.wav |
00:12 |
Metal wheel, Crank, Squeaky, Slow.wav |
00:18 |
Music toy, Wind up.wav |
00:05 |
Needle, Drop on glass, Medium soft.wav |
00:02 |
Needle, Drop on glass, Medium.wav |
00:02 |
Paper towel holder, Metal, Put down on wood.wav |
00:02 |
Paper towel, Roll and tear.wav |
00:02 |
Paper towel, Tear, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Paper, Movement.wav |
00:16 |
Paper, Remove from envelope, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Paper, Tear, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Paper, Tear, Medium fast.wav |
00:00 |
Paper, Tear, Medium.wav |
00:01 |
Paper, Tear, Slow unevenly.wav |
00:05 |
Paper. Tear, Slow.wav |
00:04 |
Paper. Tear. Short, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Passing car, Cartoon, Medium fast.wav |
00:13 |
Pencil, Draw, Slow.wav |
00:22 |
Pencil, Drop on concrete, Hard.wav |
00:02 |
Pencil, Drop on concrete.wav |
00:02 |
Pencil, Drop on wood, Medium hard.wav |
00:02 |
Pencil, Drop on wood.wav |
00:02 |
Pencil, Write, Fast.wav |
00:36 |
Printing calculator, Print.wav |
00:18 |
Printing calculator, Tear paper, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Printing calculator, Tear paper, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Printing calculator, Type and print, Medium slow.wav |
00:13 |
Robot toy, Servo.wav |
00:03 |
Room tone, Bathroom, Boiler room.wav |
01:00 |
Room tone, Bathroom, Fan.wav |
01:40 |
Room tone, Corridor.wav |
01:20 |
Room tone, Dining room and kitchen, Fridge.wav |
02:00 |
Room tone, Fan, Noise.wav |
02:00 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Close fridge and freezer.wav |
01:30 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Close fridge.wav |
01:30 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Fan.wav |
01:40 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Fridge and freezer.wav |
01:00 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Fridge, Clock.wav |
01:00 |
Room tone, Kitchen, Fridge.wav |
01:20 |
Room tone, Noise.wav |
02:00 |
Room tone, Small bedroom.wav |
01:10 |
Rubik’s cube toy, Solving.wav |
00:13 |
Scissor, Cut in air, Slow and fast.wav |
00:10 |
Small box, Wood, Close, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Small box, Wood, Close.wav |
00:02 |
Small case, Put down, Hard.wav |
00:01 |
Small case, Put down, Medium hard.wav |
00:01 |
Small case, Put down, One side first, Fast.wav |
00:02 |
Small case, Put down, One side first, Slow.wav |
00:02 |
Small case, Put down, Soft.wav |
00:02 |
Spray bottle, Paint, Spray.wav |
00:09 |
Spray bottle, Spray.wav |
00:06 |
Stereo cassette deck, Button, Push play.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Button, Push stop.wav |
00:01 |
Stereo cassette deck, Close.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Load cassette and close, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Load cassette and close, Medium.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Open and unload cassette.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Open.wav |
00:02 |
Stereo cassette deck, Play and stop.wav |
00:32 |
Stereo, Turntable, Run, Needle on record.wav |
00:23 |
Strong wind, Leaves.wav |
02:00 |
Swish effect, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Swish effect, High.wav |
00:00 |
Swish effect, Medium low.wav |
00:00 |
Swish effect, Press and pop.wav |
00:00 |
Swish, Air, High, Resonant.wav |
00:00 |
Swish, Air, High.wav |
00:01 |
Swish, Air, Medium high.wav |
00:00 |
Swish, Air, Medium low.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Button, Metal, Selector, Off.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Button, Metal, Selector, On.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Power off.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Power on.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Push in, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Push out, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Push out, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Push, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Metal push button, Small.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Plastic toggle button, Power off.wav |
00:00 |
Switch, Plastic toggle button, Power on.wav |
00:00 |
Switch, Small rotary pot selector, Fast.wav |
00:00 |
Switch, Small rotary pot selector, Medium slow.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Three step rotary pot selector, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Three step rotary pot selector, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Switch, Three step rotary pot selector, Slow.wav |
00:01 |
Tape dispenser, Feed and tear.wav |
00:02 |
Transition effect, Blobber, Down.wav |
00:07 |
Transition effect, Hit, Descent.wav |
00:07 |
Transition effect, Sweep, Descent, Slow.wav |
00:03 |
Transition effect, Sweep, Descent, Stereo.wav |
00:02 |
Transition effect, Sweep, Descent.wav |
00:03 |
Umbrella, Close, Medium fast.wav |
00:02 |
Umbrella, Open, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Water in glass, Pour, Full.wav |
00:04 |
Water in glass, Pour, Half full.wav |
00:04 |
Water in glass, Pour, Slow.wav |
00:22 |
Water in plastic can, Pour, Medium fast.wav |
00:04 |
Velcro, Long, Tear, Slow.wav |
00:02 |
Velcro, Short, Tear, Medium.wav |
00:00 |
Videogame joystick, Playing.wav |
00:16 |
Wind, Surrealistic, Whistling, Distorted.wav |
01:00 |
Window, Knock with hand, Wood frame, Hard.wav |
00:02 |
Window, Knock with hand, Wood frame.wav |
00:00 |
Wine glass, Crash on wood.wav |
00:10 |
Wood drawer, Small, Close, Hard.wav |
00:01 |
Wood drawer, Small, Close.wav |
00:01 |
Wood drawer, Small, Open, Fast.wav |
00:01 |
Wood drawer, Small, Open, Medium fast.wav |
00:01 |
Woodsticks, Drop on concrete, Many, Slow.wav |
00:02 |
Woodsticks, Drop on concrete, Many.wav |
00:02 |
Woodsticks, Drop on wood, Many.wav |
00:08 |
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